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Landlord & Tenant

Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals

The area of landlord and tenant is complex with a plethora of legislation.  This is an area which requires proven expertise, market knowledge, and negotiation skills.  We represent our clients in respect of referral of disputes to Arbitration, Independent Expert or to the Courts and tender evidence in support of our submissions.


If you’re a landlord or a tenant, we can help with your next rent review, lease renewal or support you in court. 


We have a thorough knowledge of existing legislation and our Professional Services Department has gained a particular reputation for providing advice on all aspects of valuation criteria under the Landlord and Tenant code.


We also have extensive experience in long leaseholds and can provide expert advice and can present evidence to the County Registrar, if required.


Our experienced Chartered Surveyors are up to date on all relevant case law enabling them to provide informed advice on the complex issues surrounding matters such as lease renewals and rent reviews where factors such as timing, market knowledge and commercial acumen all come into play.




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